
目前顯示的是 6月, 2016的文章

[翻譯] Bring Agile to the Whole Organization

原文出自: https://hbr.org/2014/11/bring-agile-to-the-whole-organization by Jeff Gothelf Software has eaten the world. And as it continues to consume new and diverse industries it’s transforming the way business is done. We are all in the “software business” now, regardless of the product or service we provide, forcing us to reexamine how we structure and manage our organizations. 軟體正蠶食鯨吞著這個世界,當他把新興的或不同的產業吞下肚子時,也正在改變做生意的方法,我們所有人現在都在所謂的『軟體產業』裡面了,不管我們做什麼服務或產品,我們都必須重新檢視如何組織並管理我們的公司。 When I ask managers if their organizations practice  “agile”  they almost always say yes. Probing a bit deeper reveals that most of this agility starts and ends with the product development teams – specifically software engineering. There is rarely a mention of “agile in the HR group” or “continuous improvement in finance.” And yet, it is in these infrastructural disciplines that agility must take root to support software-driven businesses. 當我問主管們說,你們的公司是否有在實行敏捷,他們大部分都說 Yes。深入一點了解的話,會發現其實所謂的敏捷只在 ...